Anne E. Johnson - Author
Freelance Writer & Editor
Fun things to look at!
Fun things to look at!
Anne and some fellow novelists at Rough&Ready "Chapter One" reading, Alchemical Theatre, June 2016.
April, 2016: Self Portrait with Anthology
September, 2015: Self Portrait with Anthology
September, 2015: Self Portrait with Anthology
Milling among the great old sci-fi books at Singularity & Co. Kate Sullivan of Candlemark & Gleam is in the center.
Reading from my "pulpit" at Singularity & Co. Bookstore in Brooklyn, at the Blue Diamond Delivery launch party, June 29, 2013.
Posing with Kate Sullivan of Candlemark & Gleam at Anne's reading at Head House Books in Philadelphia.
Anne got to read with Clifford, the big red dog, watching over her!
Author copies of Trouble at the Scriptorium arrived!
Signing at the Green Light Delivery launch party in NYC, 6/23/12. Nice t-shirt, huh?
Anne E. Johnson reading "Braids" at the launch for charity anthology Resilience. Word Up Community Bookstore, New York, 3/17/12.
Group portrait at the Resilience reading: (from left) Anne E. Johnson, Eric Nguyen, Rebecca Fullan, Jim Silvestri, Emma Eden Ramos, Bill Elenbark.